Kyanite 蓝晶石

Kyanite 蓝晶石

Kyanite is an excellent crystal for meditation as its energy is gentle and balanced, allowing a rapid transition into a deep meditative state. It is able to draw solutions from within a lucid dream state. Along with citrine, it does not absorbed negative energy. Being a peaceful stone, helps to re-balance one’s energy and encourages a healthy and peaceful way of living. For those with busy lifestyles, it is a help in promoting inner balance and protecting one from negative influences.

This beautiful stone helps calm energy and nourishes one who holds it. It allows the surroundings to have a soothing ,peaceful and calming energy. Also, it helps one to grow compassion and to express themselves better to the people around them.  

Excellent for people seeking harmony, peace & seeking to improve communications with others 

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