Chan Chu 蟾蜍

Chan Chu 蟾蜍

The Money Frog, also known as  “Three Legged Toad”, is one of Feng Shui celestial & mythical creatures believed to appear every full moon bringing wealth & good fortune. It is often displayed beside cash registers, receptions & business owners’ desks in Asian countries as a symbol of prosperity & financial gains.

Legend has it that the Money Frog was the wife of a renowned man who attained the Elixir of Mortality from Hsi Wang Mu, the Goddess of the West. The frog, who was at that time still a lady, was so green with envy that she stole the elixir. When the gods found out, they turned her into a three-legged frog and she was sentenced to stay on the moon as punishment. As a result of this, the money frog is often depicted surrounded with treasures, carrying two strings of coins & biting on a coin in the mouth -her greed requires that she always be surrounded with riches. 

Excellent for business owners, salespeople & people who wish to enhance their wealth luck.

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